I WOULD like to respond to the article ‘The Pathway to Commercialisation’ in WA Business News, January 17 edition, and particularly to highlight the key initiatives undertaken by the state government, through the Department of Industry and Resources, in support of internationally focused businesses in Western Australia. The government has made a significant investment in science, designed to build strength in areas where WA has a competitive advantage. These include support for major research facilities such as the Western Australian Marine Science Industry, the WA Energy Research Alliance, and WA Institute of Medical Research. The government has built a portfolio of 43 centres of excellence in WA, which provide post graduates to industry across a broad range of sectors. Leadership for the industry is also being provided through the Premier’s Research Fellowship Program, which is currently being extended, as well as support for industry focused post-graduate research. Industry is directly supported through significant investment in common-user infrastructures to support innovative business across the biotechnology, ICT, marine and defence and renewable energy sectors. The Innovation Centre of WA at Technology Park was established by the state government in November 2005 to provide infrastructure and support services to emerging innovative enterprises and to bridge the gap between development and commercialisation. (Jim Limerick director general Department of Industry and Resources)