As part of its early exploration strategy at the Croydon Top Camp gold project in WA’s west Pilbara, Coziron Resources has gone back to basics, collecting over 1,000 soil samples and seeking knowledge from local prospectors who are active in the region.
Armed with a swag of geological information, the Perth based, ASX-listed company is now set to kick off a 2,000 metre RC drilling campaign in the main part of the Top Camp area and another 500m program that will target the down-dip extension of the gold-copper gossan at the Martin prospect.
A recent field program collected over 1,100 geochemical soil samples that significantly extended the Top Camp and Martin prospect grids.
Meanwhile, another 300 gold nuggets collectively weighing 64 grams were reportedly found by two prospectors holding permits from Top Camp’s core area, where carbonate-rich rocks strongly anomalous in gold-pathfinder elements like arsenic and antinomy, were found.
So far, around six ounces of gold nuggets have been brought to Coziron’s attention during 2018 and 2019 by prospectors.
Importantly, photos of some of these nuggets reveal examples of gold-in-veins with quartz, carbonate and iron oxide, which will be targeted by the planned RC drilling.
Coziron is focussed on the potential of the pre-Fortescue Group rocks from the basement of the Pilbara to host lode-style and related gold deposits which represent the source of many economic gold mines in WA.
Located 100 kilometres southeast of the regional centre of Karratha, Top Camp covers 317 square kilometres and sits close to other structurally-hosted resources, including De Grey Mining’s emerging gold project to the northeast, where a resource of 1.7 million ounces grading 1.8 g/t gold has already been identified.
Earlier soil sampling and mapping in the Top Camp to Middle Valley areas focussed on extending the historical and auger grid to cover new areas where prospectors had reported the recovery of gold nuggets via metal detecting.
Around 700 soil samples sieved in the field were collected and submitted for a full suite of laboratory analyses, including gold and trace elements.
As a result, drill sites for around ten, 200m deep, RC holes were then selected to cover two sections of the valley floor where extensive evidence of prospector activity and anomalous gold and pathfinder evidence in historical soil/auger samples have been identified at Top Camp.
In the Martin area, soil sampling and mapping has focussed on the generation of a sampling grid around a small historical pit at both the Martin Prospect A gossan and a historical drainage sample.
400 samples have been submitted for full laboratory analysis.
The purpose of this work was to determine the extent and tenor of the geochemical anomalism surrounding the gossan and to see whether the occurrence of gold in the historical drainage sample could be further confirmed.
Soil samples were also collected across the surface expression of a historical conductive electromagnetic anomaly to assess if there was any associated geochemical anomalism supporting the presence of gold and base metals at depth.
RC drilling at Martin prospect A will test the down-dip extension of the gossan, which is hosted by a sequence of schists and gneisses that include mafic and felsic rocks.
The latter are interpreted as being part of a greenstone sequence which rests on a granodiorite basement to the west and overlain by units of the prospective Malina Basin to the east.
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