We live in a world where technology can tell us virtually anything – from who’s at the front door to when we can expect a delivery to arrive.

When it comes to knowing how your security firm is protecting your business, you should expect the same level of personalised information in real time.
I’ve been the Director of one of Perth’s most trusted security providers for 10 years now, and in that time I’ve come to know the sector in great detail. At NPB Security we recognise the important role technology plays in the security space and the need to constantly improve. As technology advances, so have we, and that’s why we are launching a brand-new system that can collate all of our client’s data.
Customised digital reporting system
This integrated system will enable us to offer insights of industry benchmarks to clients. For example, those who own multiple venues in an area will have access to better insights to assist them to make viable business decisions. In turn, we can utilise the data to effectively reduce the number of incidents they experience. For instance, the data over time might capture that there is a higher incident rate after an AFL game, which means we can plan ahead of time and allocate staff appropriately.
More than a decade ago we started building an integrated digital reporting system to provide our clients with an easy onboarding platform and customised reports. This allows our clients to provide us with the key metrics they need to measure, and we can ensure we record all the information they need to keep track of and then provide a detailed report. In the retail sector for instance, the software will enable us to track the total costs of goods that we have prevented from being stolen due to the work of our guards.
In the past 12 months alone our system has recorded more than 1,200 incidents; each time an incident is recorded, a real-time notification is sent to the relevant client to update them instantly. The system also allows us to log payroll and rosters for our employees, leading to far more efficient operations.
We’ve worked with Craig Raynor, Peet Senior Development Manager for a number of years, and I was pleased to hear he appreciates our innovation and introduction of new technology into our security services.
“Their service has continually evolved with the times and provided us with the very best outcomes,” Craig said.
Increased transparency
Trust is an integral part of any good business relationship, and when it comes to working with a security company it is essential that you can trust your provider is doing a good job and acting in your best interests – especially when you’re not watching. Once again, this is where a digital reporting and monitoring system becomes critical. It’s your way of knowing your provider is doing the specific job they’re employed to do and not taking any shortcuts.
NPB’s custom-designed software includes a number of features to alert clients when we are on site, exactly where our staff are, and the actions they are taking. For instance, if an NPB Security mobile patrol officer is out on site for a client, that client can track the patrol’s precise location and time of arrival. Reports are backed up with GPS data, allowing the areas that have been patrolled to be openly available for clients to see, and our staff can upload pictures or video footage to share any concerns. This system assists with decision-making and offers peace of mind and increased transparency into exactly what service is being provided.
In the modern environment, we all expect to have customised information and data at our fingertips. For this reason, your security provider should be using the latest technology or, like NPB, building a bespoke system to assure you the job is being done well at all times.
To find out more contact NPB Security at https://www.npbsecurity.com/contact/