Pandemic bolstering precious metal mining
In times of economic uncertainty, the market places a high value on precious metals. It’s no surprise then that gold has been on people’s minds – especially with a raft of small cap and exploration companies, both listed and private, attracting significant investment and media coverage throughout the pandemic.
Calidus, De Grey, and Barton Gold are just a few big names that show you don’t have to look far to see gold miners and explorers thriving, and investors looking for places to get a good return on small cap shares. The challenge facing many of these organisations, given the recent boom in mining and border closures, is attracting and retaining the right people and maximising the productivity of their team.
Using technology to support mental health of workers
High-speed internet is a must in today’s world and remote locations like the outback are no exception. In fact, it’s likely more crucial for these locations given their extreme weather conditions and isolation from larger towns and cities. The mental health of workers and their ability to remain in contact with families, loved ones and their community is critical, and providing stable high-speed connectivity is a huge driver for this. We have recently helped several businesses across the Pilbara either design, implement or upgrade networks for both production and camps.
Fast, reliable connectivity for efficient operations
High-speed networks have been shown to have strong ROI for camp operators as BYO streaming services can be used instead of expensive commercial contracts for paid TV services such as Foxtel.
Operationally this can then allow for increased productivity through video for real-time collaboration, cloud storage and compute for mine mapping as well as access to remote monitoring and tracking from Head Office. Real-time access to CCTV and physical security is also an added benefit.
Supporting local businesses with top end, tailored solutions
At TBTC Perth South, we’re proud of the work we’ve done in Western Australia to support small caps and Tier 2 and 3 miners to provide entertainment, communication and connectivity services for their staff that are equal to any of the top sites. Coupling this with the operational benefits for production staff and Geos (including access to cloud data services and SaaS), the return on investment is a no brainer. Learn how we set up and implemented a turnkey telecommunications system on a remote mine site for Tier 3 mining company, Galena Mining here.
Our strength lies in having technology that is designed to serve you at each stage of your project. Sat phones, trailers and portable skids for exploration; mobile rebroadcast and consumer-grade temporary satellite services for constriction and feasibility; then microwave and carrier-grade point-to-point with private LTE or 3600Mhz private broadcast networks for camp build and production.
Let’s talk
Whether it’s a tower build for private carrier-grade microwave into a remote site, NBN or Telstra satellite or rebroadcast of the Telstra 4G network for mobility, there are a range of options available to suit your project and budget. At TBTC Perth South, we connect you with technology to help you work smarter. Call 1300 4BUSINESS or email us at to learn more about unlocking your business’ potential.