FULL-TIME jobs are outstripping the creation of temporary and part-time jobs.
FULL-TIME jobs are outstripping the creation of temporary and part-time jobs.
For some time, temporary and part-time jobs seemed to be taking the place of traditional full-time work.
Unfair dismissal laws and little confidence in the economic future were responsible for this view.
However, it now appears full-time job growth is strong.
Australian Chamber of Com-merce and Industry chief executive Mark Paterson said, over the past year, the Australian economy had created 231,100 jobs with 165,900 of those being full-time.
“The unemployment rate has continued a downwards trend as has the total number recorded as unemployed,” Mr Paterson said.
“The participation rate continues to rise.
“These are the outcomes we’ve sought for many years. Strong growth, low inflation, continuous increases in full-time employment and falling unemployment at one and the same time have eluded this economy for thirty years.
“We now have finally found our way back to the kinds of outcomes we regularly experienced during the immediate post-war period.”
Bell Personnel managing director David Anderson said his company had double the number of permanent jobs on its books as it had listed in January 1999.
“Yet January is traditionally quiet for us,” Mr Anderson said.
“What we’re finding is temp employment numbers have slipped back a bit.
“I reckon it shows a growth in confidence in the business community.”
Mr Anderson also said, despite the growth in full-time positions, there was currently a shortage of quality applicants.
“Firstly, people don’t want the hassle of moving to a new job,” he said.
“Secondly, if they are good staff, their employer will be looking after them.”
Mr Anderson said employers were still looking to temporary staff but seemed to be treating it more as a “try before you buy”.
Employers, particularly, were apprehensive and uncertain about the repercussions should things not work out.