SMALL businesses have less than three weeks to prepare submissions to a long-awaited review of the federal government’s workplace relations laws.
The independent review of Labor’s Fair Work Act, which came into effect two years ago, will be conducted by Reserve Bank of Australia board member John Edwards, Justice Michael Moore and legal and workplace relations academic Ron McCallum.
The panel says it particularly wants to hear from small business.
Earlier this month the panel released a background paper, along with the timetable for the submission process, which is expected to attract widespread interest from business groups currently agitating for changes to the laws.
Written submissions are due by February 17 ahead of a cut-off for supplementary submissions on March 2, with the panel due to report back to government by May 31.
The panel is planning discussions and a roundtable meeting with all key employer and employee representatives and has promised all views will be heard.
“The panel is particularly keen to hear from small business and will convene discussions with the key small business representatives to ensure their views are heard,” it said in a statement.
But opposition workplace relations spokesman Eric Abetz said the process was skewed to those involved in representational groups and ignored a majority of non-union workers and small employers.
“The short timeframe for submissions will not allow for comprehensive consideration given that there are only four weeks in which to put in a submission and two weeks to respond,” Senator Abetz said in a statement.
“It poses 69 questions participants may wish to consider when preparing their submissions, with the majority focusing on bargaining and agreement-making, unfair dismissal and industrial action.”
The paper chronicles Australia’s economic growth, productivity, economic prosperity and economic indicators since the Fair Work laws came into effect.
The paper states respondents planning submissions on issues of industrial disputation and time lost and in relation to productivity should show a clear link between the economic outcome being discussed and the laws.
Business groups have been campaigning for changes to the laws, arguing a test of the review’s success will be the degree to which it supports increased workplace flexibility, less business red tape and increased competitiveness.
The Australian Industry Group has been vocal in saying Australia’s international competitiveness is falling due to industrial relations constraints.
Employers also say the laws have increased union power at a time when productivity is flat.