At BDO in Perth we are delighted to prominently showcase the BDO brand on our new premises, as a proud addition to Perth’s CBD skyline. Twelve months on since returning to the city, we are taking a moment to reflect on the positive impacts on both our clients and teams.
The offices are conveniently located at the ‘Top of the Terrace’, at 5 Spring Street, and span across two levels with expansive river views. The ambition for the space was to move away from siloed ways of working and into a more collaborative space that promotes a more integrated way of operating. Sherif Andrawes, Global Head of Natural Resources observes, “Our new home has certainly delivered on that. Accessibility is great, and the central location allows for greater access for both our people and clients.” For those that cycle, walk or exercise before work, the ability to access to state of the art end of trip facilities have been a further benefit in supporting the healthy wellbeing of our people.
Mr. Andrawes adds, “We have been able host numerous client seminars and events, round tables and more recently Annual General Meetings for our clients. With new conference rooms and facilities allowing for better and more seamless communication with other offices, the geographical boundaries feel almost non-existent now”
Aside from the convenience and modern aesthetics, our building has a 5-star green rating. The building design is also purpose-built to allow as much natural light in as possible. “When you’re in the office from 9 till 5, the abundance of light really makes a difference, and if that’s not enough, it’s a short stroll to the incredible King’s Park.” Mr Andrawes concludes.
BDO continues to strive and embrace sustainability, both internally as a business, but also to help support our clients. Catherine Bell, BDO Perth's Sustainability lead has leveraged the newly built and impressive office space by launching the BDO Sustainability Networking Forum. The annual quarterly part series was established as a place where sustainability professionals and businesses can interact, work together, and learn together. Ms Bell highlights, “It’s an opportunity for us to come together to help each other connect the dots to solve problems to challenges that can sometimes feel overwhelming. We're proud to be able to welcome our clients and partners into our offices and share the beautiful space we have”.
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