Askari Metals has stepped up its aggressive exploration strategy across two tenements at its Uis lithium project in Namibia where it is targeting previously identified pegmatites. The dual RC campaign forms part of a recently expanded phase 1 program at tenement EPL 8535 from 3000m up to 4000m where it has pinpointed at least four different target zones.

Askari Metals has stepped up its aggressive exploration strategy across two tenements at its Uis lithium project in Namibia where it is targeting previously identified pegmatites. The dual RC campaign forms part of a recently expanded phase 1 program at tenement EPL 8535 from 3000m up to 4000m where it has pinpointed at least four different target zones.
Drilling began in February and is investigating unexplored pegmatites and areas of high potential lithium mineralisation based on some eye-catching surface sample results of up to 3.3 per cent lithium oxide. The program was extended following the discovery of additional large pegmatites to the south of the current rig location. Askari has completed 41 holes for around 2750m at the site.
The company is also currently conducting phase 2 drilling at its EPL 7345 tenement of the African project that will include at least 4000m of drilling with ongoing mapping work to target the most prospective pegmatites.
In December, the company wrapped up phase 1 of its drill campaign at the operation where it completed 59 RC holes for 3017m as part of an overall 10,000m program. One of the key takeaways from the plunge was the visible lithium mineralisation evident at site.
The Uis Mine View prospect was the main target of the first drill program and took the majority of the metres drilled. The company also tested two other targets including one near the centre of the tenement that produced rock sample results of up to 1.1 per cent lithium oxide and 658 parts per million tantalum. The third target was an area where reconnaissance sampling identified results including 0.92 per cent lithium oxide and 0.76 per cent tin.
Askari Metals vice president exploration and geology Johan Lambrechts said: “As we gather more information, we understand that some pegmatites across the Uis lithium project area pinch near the surface while others continue to a greater depth. Our exploration work is aimed at identifying pegmatites across the tenements that are economically mineralised and continue to greater depths.”
Results from the two concurrent drill programs will be used to guide future exploration as the company moves towards developing a maiden mineral resource at the African operation.
Additional pegmatite drill targets identified by the mapping and sampling crews will be drill tested in phase 3 at EPL 7345. To date, Askari has mapped roughly 60 per cent of the target area and identified numerous pegmatites, including several locations with spodumene mineralisation at the surface.
Once completed, crews will be mobilised to EPL 8535 where detailed mapping and sampling will also be completed across the entire project area.
Askari’s project sits directly west of Andrada Mining’s Uis mine which hosts resources of 71.5 million tonnes at 0.63 per cent lithium oxide, 0.134 per cent tin and 85 parts per million tantalum.
Once assays from the current exploration program have been analysed, the company plans to begin diamond drilling. The aim is to produce core intersections of the most promising RC intercepts which will be used for metallurgical test work in the future. A project-wide electromagnetic survey is also expected to begin once results have been received.
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