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Business News Announcements

Publicise your company announcements through our trusted brand using platforms produced by Business News, the most business-focused of any local media outlet, including on our high traffic website and through our well-read emails.

The Business News Announcements package includes:

  • Your announcement published on immediately after approval (Monday-Friday) and archived on our site.
  • Your announcement headline sent in our daily email (see example DBA - opens in new window).
  • Your announcement featured on the BN Announcements category page of our website as well as your Data & Insights profile page.
  • A photo, approximately 500 words of text, social sharing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) and the benefit of the search engine optimisation used by Business News to push results on Google.
  • Post your announcement unfiltered direct to your organisation's Data & Insights profile page and the Business News website. A simple approval process only vets content for legal reasons (with some very minor content constraints), not on the newsworthiness of your release.

Obviously the best time to use Business News Announcements is when you have something new to say, be it an appointment, product launch, deal, update or development. The fresher the news the better.

Once you have submitted your announcement and paid the fee there will be an approval process to ensure that Business News accepts the content on its site. Please allow up to 24 hours for that to occur during the working week.

Once approved it will go out on the next available email.

You can go to your organisation's Data & Insights profile page or the BN Announcements category page to view the release and share it on social media.

If you encounter a problem submitting this form or have any questions regarding this service please call us on 08 9288 2100

Upload your press release

Featured organisation

Start typing the organisation or company name in the box below and then select from the list that appears. If the name is not shown click on the This organisation is not in Data & Insights checkbox.

Your details

Please complete your details below, these will be used for generating and sending you the tax invoice.


Complete your article details below, only plain text is accepted, no HTML. The article image must be exactly 1440 x 960 pixels in size, you may need to resize or crop your image to meet these specifications.

If you do not have an image editing program you can use Canva, a free online photo editor.

By uploading the image you declare you have the right to use it and the right to grant a worldwide licence to Business News, permitting us to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the image. If photographer or source credit is required you must include it at the end of the article image caption.

Image must be exactly 1440x960 pixels.
One file only.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg.
Enter the caption to appear below the image. Photographer or source credit should go at the end of the caption (e.g. Photo: John Citizen).
Would you like to be contacted regarding having this published as an advertorial in the printed edition of Business News?


Press release uploads cost $600 ex GST

Accepted payment types
Visa, Mastercard, AMEX