Tuesday, 1 August, 2017 - 10:11
People Moves August 1, 2017
Business school headsThe University of Notre Dame Australia and Curtin University have appointed new heads of their respective business schools.
Wayne Edgeloe has over 30 years of experience in land development, water sensitive urban design, major civil infrastructure, dams, water supply, sewerage, local government engineering, project planning and design, contract and project supervision and administration. He also has wide experience in the South West Area of Western Australia, as well as experience in State Government, Local Government and Private Enterprise. Mr Edgeloe is actively involved in the land development industry and in the implementation of WSUD in developments around the state. He is also the current leading designer of Trotting Tracks in Australia and is track designer for Harness Racing Victoria (HRV). He has also undertaken a number of projects around Australia. Mr Edgeloe received an Institution of Engineers Australia State Engineering Excellence award for the 2000 Bunbury Trotting Track Upgrade.