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Toby Whyte

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Toby Whyte
Toby Whyte

Toby Whyte has specialised in defendant personal injury litigation, particularly motor vehicle claims, since admission to practice in 1999. This includes more than 15 years of experience in providing legal services to the Insurance Commission of Western Australia. Ms Whyte is acknowledged for her comprehensive expertise in this area of law, including effective handling of matters involving complex issues of medical causation as well as providing comprehensive advice on liability and quantum for dependency claims arising from fatal accidents, nervous shock claims, catastrophic and general personal injury claims. She is renowned for providing timely, pro-active claims management advice to her clients based on the principles of early intervention, accurate advice and effective risk management. Ms Whyte appears regularly in the District Court of Western Australia and has successfully represented the Insurance Commission of Western Australia at pre-trial conferences and other interlocutory matters. She has also appeared as instructing solicitor at many successful District Court trials. Ms Whyte has assisted the Royal Australian College of Surgeons to prepare materials for its medico-legal conferences. In addition, she has prepared training materials on claims management, dependency claims, engaging expert witnesses and assessment of claims for in-house use by clients.

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