Stuart Flynn held executive positions in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He also operates a successful corporate and communications consultancy. From 1998 to 2013, Mr Flynn was chief executive of Southern Cross Care (Western Australia), a leading aged care organisation providing residential care, home and community care and a range of seniors’ accommodation. In that role, he oversaw the construction and redevelopment of aged care facilities, retirement villages, day centres and affordable housing projects. He also held chief executive positions in the not-for-profit sector and was a senior executive in the public sector having been a regional director of health in 2 Australian states. He also worked for 10 years as a tenured academic at UK and Australian universities. Mr Flynn also held a number of board and committee positions in the mental health, aged care and health and criminal justice sectors and is a member of the Western Australian Mental Health Review Board and director of the Commonwealth Association for the Ageing. In 2001, he was awarded the Prime Minister’s Centenary Medal for outstanding service to providers and clients in the mental health sector and in 1988 was the Australia-Britain Society’s Bi-centennial Menzies Fellow, reviewing UK services to victims of crime.