Robert Kelly has over 50 years of experience in the insurance industry.
In April 1996, Mr Kelly co-founded Steadfast which is the largest general insurance broker network and underwriting agency group in Australasia, with growing operations in Asia and Europe. In 2013, he led the company to a successful listing on the Australian Securities Exchange. Steadfast is now an ASX200 company and Mr Kelly is a director of its various subsidiaries including the Steadfast Foundation and ACORD International.
Mr Kelly has won awards in the insurance industry in Australia and internationally. He was the Insurance Industry Leader of the Year at the 2011 Annual Australian Insurance Industry Awards, awarded the prestigious ACORD Rainmaker Award in 2014, won the prestigious Lex McKeown Trophy by NIBA in 2016, a finalist in CEO Magazine’s 2015 CEO of the Year Awards, a national finalist for the Eastern Region in the 2016 EY Entrepreneur of the Year program, and was named the Most Influential Person in the Insurance Industry by Insurance News magazine n 2019. Steadfast Group also won 5 awards at the East Coles Corporate Performance Awards for ASX-listed companies including Best Company, Best CEO, Best CFO, Best Investment Desirability and Best Growth Prospects.