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Rob Leslie

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Rob Leslie
Rob Leslie

Prior to founding Kyckr in 2007, Rob Leslie lived in Japan for nearly 20 years before returning to Ireland in 2003. He held senior management and director positions with Datacraft Japan, PTS, eSafe Japan and Dell Japan, where he was part of the initial management team that launched Dell into the Japanese market. In the subsequent 3 years, Dell grew from zero to over 270 employees and annual sales of over $300 million. After leaving Dell, Mr Leslie became a partner in PTS, a niche technology services company servicing foreign multinationals in Japan. The company was acquired in 2000 by Datacraft Asia as part of their entry strategy into the Japanese market. Mr Leslie is the co-founder and global head of innovation of Kyckr, which specializes in identity and compliance solutions for companies and individuals. Since 2011, he has been working on a research project that allows authentication of individuals using a novel methodology called zero knowledge proof. This project will be known as Sedicii. Mr Leslie is also a mentor with Enterprise Ireland (E.I.), providing advice to E.I.’s high potential start-up companies, and is an active investor in various start-up companies in the technology and biotech spaces.

      Person Activity

      Rob Leslie
      REMUNERATION UPDATE: Executive Director, Global Head of Innovations, Co-Founder, Kyckr 02 Nov 2020
      Rob Leslie
      REMUNERATION UPDATE: Executive Director, Global Head of Innovations, Co-Founder, Kyckr 24 Aug 2020
      Rob Leslie
      REMUNERATION UPDATE: Executive Director, Global Head of Innovations, Co-Founder, Kyckr 30 Jun 2020

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