Richard Malcolm has over 34 years of oil and gas experience within seven international markets.
He began his career as a petroleum geologist with Woodside Petroleum in Perth, exploring for oil and gas on the Northwest Shelf. He spent ten years with Ampolex in Perth and Sydney as a senior explorationist and exploration manager in Western Australia and as asset manager in Northern & Eastern Australia.
Following Mobil's takeover of Ampolex, Mr Malcolm was appointed manager of Mobil's assets in Papua New Guinea. Three years later he joined OMV, initially as exploration manager for Australia & New Zealand and later as exploration & reservoir manager for OMV Libya, general manager for Norway and managing director of OMV UK. Between 2008 and 2013, Mr Malcolm was chief executive of Gulfsands Petroleum, an AIM-listed production, exploration and development company with operations in Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, USA and Colombia.