Rebecca Adam is a qualified lawyer and has experience working in senior leadership roles in deaf, corporate and government organisations. She was the first signing Deaf person admitted as a legal practitioner in an Australian Supreme Court, an international Ambassador for the Deaf Olympics, and a member of the University of New South Wales’ Disability Innovation Institute Council.
Ms Adam has been a recipient of numerous scholarships in recent years including the Victorian Government’s Women’s Board Leadership Program and the Office of Women’s Disability Sector Diversity Scholarship Program. She was also awarded an Australian Scholarship Foundation which saw her undertake advanced executive leadership studies as part of an MBA program at the Melbourne Business School.
Ms Adam has been the chief executive of Access Plus WA Deaf from October 2020 until her appointment in April 2023 as chief executive of Expression Australia, a not-for-profit organisation in Melbourne that has been serving the Deaf community and championing Australian Sign Language (Auslan) since 1884. She is the first Deaf CEO and the first Deaf woman to lead Expression Australia in 138 years.