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Peter Coughlan

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Peter Coughlan
Peter Coughlan

Peter Coughlan was appointed director of international in July 2017, as part of BG&E’s corporate strategy for growth and diversification. He is involved in growing and diversifying BG&E's civil and transport infrastructure capabilities across the company’s existing international offices, as well as planning for future new markets and clients. As part of the BG&E leadership team, Mr Coughlan is also involved in the development of policies in regards to quality assurance, work health & safety, and risk management. His extensive experience in the transport sector covers a wide spectrum of engineering services such as maintenance and remedial strategies, asset management and strengthening design, inspection and structural investigation. Mr Coughlan also has bridge experience and was instrumental in the development of BG&E’s Water Engineering Group which provides surface water engineering services, flood risk management study and urban planning.

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