Michael Carroll has non-executive director experience in the Australian listed company environment including at Select Harvests and Rural Funds Management (the responsible entity for Rural Funds Group).
He was a former director of Tassal Group, Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory Company Holdings, Queensland Sugar, Rural Finance Corporation of Victoria, the Australian Farm Institute, the Geoffrey Gardiner Dairy Foundation, and Meat and Livestock Australia.
Mr Carroll also holds current directorships with non-listed companies including Paraway Pastoral Company, and Viridis Ag. He is also chair of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.
During his executive career, Mr Carroll held senior positions at the National Australia Bank where he was responsible for establishing and leading its agribusiness division. Prior to that, he worked for companies involved in animal health and crop care including Monsanto Agricultural Products.
Mr Carroll comes from a family who has been involved in agriculture for over 145 years, and operates a cattle property in western Victoria.