Max Hipkins
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Max Hipkins
Max Hipkins is a qualified town planner and architect. He has also completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Public Administration from the Western Australian Institute of Technology and a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Washington. Mr Hipkins became a Councillor of Nedlands in 2008 and applied his planning and design skills to assessment of development applications, policy preparation, strategy formulation, conservation of heritage assets and State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) reviews. He has championed the value of Nedlands as a quality residential area and argued against inappropriate amalgamation with adjoining local governments. Mr Hipkins was elected Mayor from 2011 to 2019 and worked to further the interests of local residents, gaining more money for the arts and road maintenance, assisting Bushcare and sustainability groups, and devoting energy to resolving longstanding issues at Swanbourne and Sunset Hospitals & the Regis aged care site.