Tuesday, 1 August, 2017 - 10:11
People Moves August 1, 2017
Business school headsThe University of Notre Dame Australia and Curtin University have appointed new heads of their respective business schools.
Matthew Noonan-Crowe is the head of commercial litigation at Valenti Lawyers. He also has expertise in commercial advice. Mr Noonan-Crowe was admitted to practice in 2008 and has been admitted to the High Court of Australia with a right of appearance in the Federal Court of Australia and Federal Magistrates Court of Australia. Mr Noonan-Crowe is qualified in alternative dispute resolution and has significant experience representing clients at pre-trial conferences and court mediations. He is also experienced in conducting informal mediation conferences. Graduating from the University of Western Australia in 2007 with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Corporate Finance), Mr Noonan-Crowe joined Valenti Lawyers in 2005 as a clerk before commencing to Articles in 2007. During his final year of law school, he was awarded the highly coveted Law Society of WA's 2006 Plain English Drafting Competition for Law Students. Mr Noonan-Crowe has extensive experience in the Magistrates Court, District Court, Supreme Court and Federal Court on a wide range of litigious matters.