Mary Padbury is a pre-eminent intellectual property lawyer with over 35 years of experience. She retired as a partner of Ashurst at the end of April 2018 and from the role of vice chair at the end of 2017. Ms Padbury was chair of Ashurst Australia for eight years prior to the firm’s full merger with Ashurst LLP in 2013. She spent a number of years in the UK with boutique firm Bristows and as resident partner of Ashurst Australia. Ms Padbury has undertaken intellectual property work for Australian and multinational corporations in a range of technology areas and has extensive international, legal and governance experience.
Mary Padbury
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REMUNERATION UPDATE: Non-Executive Director, Commonwealth Bank of Australia | 24 Aug 2020 | |
NEW ROLE: Non-Executive Director, Commonwealth Bank of Australia | 11 Jul 2020 |