Dr Luca De Prato works with local farmers in Western Australia on soil health and amelioration, through a collaboration with the Soil CRC research group. He is the co-founder and director of MediCann Health, a Western Australia-based company that is focused on the development and supply of reliable and affordable cannabis medicines to patients.
Prior to that, Dr De Prato was an Irrigation designer & agronomist for a Perth agricultural company, and a landscape architect.
Dr De Prato holds Bachelor and Master degrees in Agriculture Science Technology, and a PhD in Agriculture Science and Plant Physiology from Murdoch University. His research focused on a Genotype by environment study on the phenology and cannabinoid responses of different low THC genetic lines of Cannabis sativa in tropical environments, and their interaction with soil microbial & nutrients. Dr De Prato has also been investigating the potential use of industrial hemp for mining rehabilitation purpose.