Karen Dauncey has been working in SEO since 2003. She specialises in helping businesses get found online through Google using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
Ms Dauncey's wealth of SEO knowledge and practical digital marketing experience comes from running her own SEO and Google Ads agency, Blue Cherry Online Marketing, since 2008. She has optimised over 1000 websites, managed millions of dollars' worth of spend on Google Ads, and has a solid understanding of the constantly shifting industry of digital marketing and SEO.
Ms Dauncey is also the founder and creator of The SEO School, an online SEO Course to help teach business owners how to do their own SEO. She regularly delivers educational programs for both Local, State and Federal Government; and was an advisor for the ASBAS Digital Solutions Program. She is also co-owner of the Digital Experts Directory, an online directory for female serviced-based businesses to promote their business (with a great backlink for SEO).
Ms Dauncey has attended search engine conferences in London, Stockholm, Adelaide and Sydney; and was also invited to attend a pilot Business Coaching Course at Google’s head office.
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK.