Dr Duggan is a founder of the Company. She was formally director of the Hypertension Service - South Western Sydney Area Health Service (SWSAHS), and is the immediate past chair of the National Blood Pressure and Vascular Disease Advisory Committee. Dr Duggan was also a Member of the Cardiovascular Health Advisory Committee of the National Heart Foundation of Australia and the Post-Acute Stroke Guidelines Advisory Committee of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aging. She remains a Member of the Cardiovascular Clinical Expert Reference Group of the NSW Department of Health. In Dr Duggan's role as Director of the Hypertension Service SWSAHS she was responsible for managing a multidisciplinary team (medical, nursing, laboratory and administrative staff), as well as developing and implementing new and strategies in patient care within SWSAHS. The Hypertension Service participated in a number of clinical trials of both new therapeutics as well as evaluation of new diagnostic devices.
Karen A Duggan
Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director / Vectus Biosystems