John Wallace has over 30 years of experience in tier-1 video and media organisations, across operations and sales, with an understanding and experience in technology, television and broadcasting industry.
Mr Wallace was president & chief executive of Deluxe Entertainment Services, the media & entertainment industry's century-old post production and video distribution services company. Since retiring from Deluxe Entertainment Services in December 2019, Mr Wallace has been involved in the startup investment community as well as continuing his service on the board of directors of Avid Technology, which he joined as an independent director in 2017.
Prior to joining Deluxe Entertainment Services, Mr Wallace was president of operations & technical services at NBCUniversal where he led the company's technology group and its global operations including studio, production, and video distribution operations. Before taking this role, Mr Wallace was president of NBC Television Stations Division, where he led the company's owned television stations which provided NBC network and local programming to nearly 30% of the nation's households.