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John Bumgarner

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John Bumgarner
John Bumgarner

Dr John Bumgarner has over 20 years of industry and academic MEMS technology experience. He was a consultant for process development and device fabrication for a major US technology company and an operations director at Stanford University's nanofabrication facility. In addition to his academic roles, Dr Bumgarner has also held a number of industry roles including as a process engineer and manager at world-leading technology company Intel Corp, vice president of engineering at leading supplier of solutions that promote energy efficiency (Kyma Technologies) and laboratory director at SRI International, a non-profit research institute that performs client-sponsored research and development into innovative technologies. Dr Bumgarner was an Associate Research Professor focused on MEMS technology at the University of Western Australia. He has a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University, and Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Materials Science & Engineering from Northwestern University in the US.

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