Ian Kirkham

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Ian Kirkham
Ian Kirkham is a resources finance professional with over 20 years of experience in project evaluation and construction, equity and debt markets, statutory reporting, treasury, taxation and corporate governance. He was chief financial officer and company secretary of Eastern Star Gas, the subject of a $924m takeover by Santos. Previous executive experience includes similar posts for ASX-listed companies including Hillgrove Resources, Intermet Resources, Allstate Explorations NL, and Otter Gold Mines. In all these roles, Mr Kirkham worked closely with managing director, board members, audit and risk committees etc to evaluate, finance and construct resource projects. His early career involved audit positions with Coopers & Lybrand in Sydney and Toronto. Mr Kirkham holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and is a member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and AUSIMM.

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