Hugh Keller provides consulting services to several companies and has been a non-executive director of a charity for over 10 years. He has legal experience and expertise in the review of commercial contracts and arrangements, as well as experience in public company audit committee procedures and requirements and hands on experience in the dynamics of managing people and resources in long term large projects.
Mr Keller became a partner of Dawson Waldron (now Ashurst) in 1976 and remained a partner in its successor firms for 34 years until his retirement from full time legal practice in 2010. During his time at the firm, Mr Keller served as joint national managing partner, Sydney office managing partner, chair of the staff superannuation fund, a practice leader and board member.
Mr Keller was also a non-executive director of LJ Hooker as well as chair of a large private investment company, several small investment companies and a private small exploration company.