Hannah Beazley

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Person Activity

Push for 12-court indoor stadium
NEWS: Tagged in Push for 12-court indoor stadium10 Jul 2024
Muir’s push for Leonora to become tech hub
NEWS: Tagged in Muir’s push for Leonora to become tech hub08 Jul 2024
Hannah Beazley
NEW ROLE: Minister for Local Government, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board07 Dec 2023
Hannah Beazley
NEW ROLE: Minister for Local Government, Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries07 Dec 2023
Hannah Beazley
NEW ROLE: Minister for Local Government, Youth, Minister Assisting the Minister for Training & Workforce Development, Parliament of WA07 Dec 2023
Beazley joins Cabinet in reshuffle
NEWS: Tagged in Beazley joins Cabinet in reshuffle07 Dec 2023
Hannah Beazley
NEW ROLE: Parliamentary Secretary to John Carey, Parliament of WA08 Jun 2023
Hannah Beazley
NEW ROLE: Parliamentary Secretary to Stephen Dawson, Parliament of WA14 Dec 2022
New ministers named ahead of reshuffle
NEWS: Tagged in New ministers named ahead of reshuffle13 Dec 2022
Limited union role likely in Labor policy
NEWS: Tagged in Limited union role likely in Labor policy30 Mar 2021

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