Geoff Gishubl practises in the resources and projects area with a particular focus on environmental, native title, land access and heritage issues. He advises major mining and energy companies, utilities, industry bodies and government in relation to native title, Aboriginal heritage, environmental, land tenure and resource access issues affecting existing and planned infrastructure and mining developments. Mr Gishubl acts for project operators and proponents, pastoral interests and other land owners as respondents to native title claims and in negotiations with Aboriginal groups. He provides advice in relation to environmental compliance, regulatory and land tenure issues, and also drafted a considerable number of future act agreements and indigenous land use agreements. Mr Gishubl travels frequently throughout Western Australia with his clients, negotiating land access and regulatory solutions with native title claimants, their representatives and various government regulatory authorities. He advised on Australia's first registered mining indigenous land use agreement. His clients include major Australian and international resources, energy and infrastructure companies.