Gary Todd has extensive sales experience gained over 30 years in Australia and internationally. He has expertise in managing and securing new international business partnerships with manufacturers based in Asia, USA and Europe for the supply and distribution of medical devices and consumables. Mr Todd has also successfully managed teams with up to $90 million annual revenues. He started his career with Deloitte, whilst completing a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree, before moving to sales & marketing. He worked for five years with Unilever in South Africa before moving to London and gained international experience as a financial analyst contractor working for Cable & Wireless Global Markets, Telewest Communications (now part of Virgin Media) and IBM Global Services. Mr Todd emigrated to Sydney and has held divisional and national roles within the medical devices, consumables and IT &T markets. His experience also included 7 years in the anaesthetic & critical care division, as sales and marketing manager for one of the three largest medical devices distributors in Australia.
Gary Todd
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