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David Hugo

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David Hugo
David Hugo

David Hugo specialises in PPP and other infrastructure and outsourcing projects, including advising in respect of construction, tenure, financing and speciality service aspects of large-scale transactions in the resources and public infrastructure sectors (particularly healthcare). He also works with clients on land access matters for major infrastructure, and is experienced with energy, resources and transport sector land, port and rail access projects, linear infrastructure developments, Crown land access and approvals, major infrastructure and property development and large-scale commercial acquisitions and disposals of property and assets. He has been with Herbert Smith Freehills since 1999, spending a four-year period in the interim in the UK working in-house with a multinational energy company, and in private practice focusing on healthcare PPP/PFI projects. He is also admitted as a solicitor in the United Kingdom, and sits on the WA Chamber of Minerals and Energy’s Land Access Committee.

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