Dr David Dreisinger has been a member of the faculty of the Department of Materials Engineering since 1988 and is a Professor and Chairholder of the Industrial Research and Chair in Hydrometallurgy at the University of British Columbia.
He has published over 280 papers and has been extensively involved as a process consultant in industrial research programs with metallurgical companies.
Dr Dreisinger has participated in 21 US patents for work in areas including lead concentrate processing, pressure leaching, ion exchange removal of impurities from process solutions, use of thiosulfate as an alternative to cyanide in gold leaching, and the Sepon Copper Process for copper recovery from sulfidic-clayey ores.
Dr Dreisinger is the president and chief executive of InCoR Technologies, a director of Search Minerals and PolyMet Mining, and vice president of metallurgy at Camrova Resources, Search Minerals and TriMetals Mining.