David Brennan is a co-founder and director of several Perth-based finance businesses, with a focus on alternative lending and fintech. He is a director of specialist business lender Radium Capital and small business lender Kikka Capital and a founding executive at personal finance lender Enably. Mr Brennan is the Founder of Kikka Capital. In 2013 David and his team entered the Australian Credit market and built a highly efficient full service online loan origination platform to allow underserviced Australian customers fast and frictionless access to personal finance. David has been at the forefront of the Australian Financial Technology industry, introducing a previously unseen level of technology integrated directly into the online loan decisioning process whilst always focusing on the most enhanced user experience for the customer. David is the current 2015 Australian Institute of Credit Management WA, Young Credit Professional of the Year. As a Executive Director, he is responsible for future product innovation. In 2015 David was nominated for the Business News 40 under 40 award and the WAtoday entrepreneurs and innovators award.