Darren West is the Labor Party Member of the Western Australia Legislative Council for Agricultural Region.
Following Labor's win in the 2021 state election, Mr West became the Parliamentary Secretary to Alannah MacTiernan (Minister for Regional Development, Agriculture & Food, Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development for Hydrogen) under the McGowan government. In the 2022 cabinet reshuffle, and following Ms MacTiernan's retirement from politics, Mr West became the Parliamentary Secretary to Reece Whitby (Minister for Energy, Environment, and Climate Action).
Following the resignation of Mr McGowan in June 2023, Mr West kept his portfolio as Parliamentary Secretary to Reece Whitby (Minister for Environment; Climate Action; Racing and Gaming) under the Cook government.
Prior to politics, Mr West was chair of the Wheatbelt Development Commission and a farmer at Jennacubbine.