Daniel Fatovich

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Daniel Fatovich
Director of Research / East Metropolitan Health Service
Most Notable Role
Professor Daniel Fatovich has over 30 years of experience in the design and conduct of clinical trials.

He is the director of research at East Metropolitan Health Service, and a senior emergency physician & clinical researcher at Royal Perth Hospital emergency department.

He has also been a Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Western Australia, head of the Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine (CCREM) at Perkins, and Adjunct Professor at Curtin University.

Person Activity

Daniel Fatovich
NEW ROLE: Senior Emergency Physician & Clinical Researcher, Emergency Department, Royal Perth Hospital11 May 2023
Daniel Fatovich
NEW ROLE: Director of Research, East Metropolitan Health Service11 May 2023
Daniel Fatovich
NEW ROLE: Non-Executive Director, RPH Research Foundation11 May 2023

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