Colin Holt was the National Party Member of the Western Australia Legislative Council for South West Region from 2009 to 2021. He was also the Minister for Housing, Racing and Gaming under the Barnett government from December 2014 to August 2016.
Mr Holt studied Zoology at the University of Western Australia and after graduating, he worked for the state government's Department of Agriculture as a community development consultant where he lived in Derby, Halls Creek, Bruce Rock, Carnarvon, Narrogin, and Australind. He later became a company director for the Arid Group, a transport business.
In June 2021, Mr Holt was appointed deputy chair of the WA government's newly-formed Voluntary Assisted Dying Board which ensures adherence to the legislation and report to the State Government as necessary on quality and safety improvements related to voluntary assisted dying. Mr Holt was also deputy chair of the Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices.