Chris MacKenzie, a Chartered Geologist (Geological Society of London), is an experienced mining executive with over 25 years of industry experience across a number of mineral commodities from target generation and exploration to mining. He has extensive experience throughout Africa but has also worked on projects in Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
Mr MacKenzie was the founder of TSX-listed Helio Resource where he served as executive chair and later as chief operating officer and executive director. In a 12-year career at Helio, Mr MacKenzie was responsible for identification and development of the company’s gold projects in Namibia and Tanzania, as well as assessing numerous other projects in varying jurisdictions. In 2006, he led Helio into Tanzania and was responsible for the acquisition and advancement of the SMP gold project from grassroots to NI 43-101 compliant resource and PEA (>1.2 Moz Au). Mr MacKenzie was also instrumental in securing the strategic investment by the World Bank (International Finance Corporation) in Helio during 2010.
Mr MacKenzie holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geology from Portsmouth University UK, and a Master of Science in Exploration Geology from Rhodes University, South Africa.