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Charles Archer

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Charles Archer
Charles Archer

Charles Archer is a senior executive with government and industry experience of exceptional breadth and access. Mr Archer culminated his 28 years of US Federal Government service as Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in charge of the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS), managing 3,000 employees and overseeing 600 contractors. He was appointed by the US Attorney General to SES-6. Mr Archer frequently testified before multiple US Senate and House committees on policy matters and issues related to advancing technology for criminal justice. He has also spoken at international conventions including the United Nations in Vienna, Interpol in Lyon, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police in New Delhi and Canberra. Mr Archer attended graduate programs at the University of Maryland School of Business, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, and the USDA Graduate School.

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