Alan Duncan

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Action needed for housing supply
NEWS: Tagged in Action needed for housing supply10 Jul 2024
Disabled people need path to workforce
NEWS: Tagged in Disabled people need path to workforce10 Apr 2024
Rattling cages on gender pay gap
NEWS: Tagged in Rattling cages on gender pay gap19 Mar 2024
Work needed to stop violence against women
NEWS: Tagged in Work needed to stop violence against women18 Dec 2023
Intent best driver of gender equality
NEWS: Tagged in Intent best driver of gender equality23 Oct 2023
Numbers mask complexities in economy
NEWS: Tagged in Numbers mask complexities in economy28 Aug 2023
Diversification critical to WA success: BCEC
NEWS: Tagged in Diversification critical to WA success: BCEC21 Jul 2023
Real wages growth may be some way off
NEWS: Tagged in Real wages growth may be some way off08 Jun 2023
Rental market needs a fix, and fast
NEWS: Tagged in Rental market needs a fix, and fast22 May 2023
WA housing affordability worsening
NEWS: Tagged in WA housing affordability worsening05 May 2023

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