NEXT year may be the year of the insolvency practitioner but the sector was certainly gearing up for business in 2008 as the older hands of the sector recognised the signs of a stumbling bull market.
Less than a week after placing its shares in a trading halt pending a financial review, West Perth-based Matilda Minerals Ltd has called in administrators from Ferrier Hodgson.
Impairment losses and write-downs of inventories has hit mineral sands miner Matilda Minerals Ltd, which posted a full year net loss of $17.3 million for fiscal 2008, up from the previous year's net loss of $3.1 million.
West Perth-based mineral sands producer Matilda Minerals Ltd will ramp up exploration on its Cape York deposits, following the granting of permits from the Queensland Department of Mines and Energy.
WEST Perth-based mineral sands producer, Matilda Minerals Ltd, has announced a restructuring of its board and a capital raising through Michael Kiernan’s Territory Resources Ltd.
West Perth-based mineral sands producer Matilda Minerals Ltd will raise $2.7 million through a placement to Territory Resources Ltd to fund ongoing exploration opportunities in the Tiwi Islands, the company has announced.
West Perth-based mineral sands explorer Matilda Minerals Ltd has raised $4.5 million in a placement to Michael Kiernan's Crawley Resources Ltd, which also represents the interests of Hong Kong's Noble Group Ltd.
Annual general meeting will be held at the offices of Matilda Minerals Limited, Ground Floor, 45 Richardson Street, West Perth, at 4.00pm (WST) on 28 November 2006.
West Perth-based Matilda Minerals Limited announced today that the Commonwealth Government has granted approval for mining of mineral sands at Andranangoo Creek West and Lethbridge Bay West.