Housing Industry Forecasting Group

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The Housing Industry Forecasting Group is a joint industry and government body that provides independent commentary on the housing sector in Western Australia.

The Group includes representatives from the Urban Development Institute of Australia, Property Council, Housing Industry Association, Department of Communities, REIWA, DevelopmentWA, Landgate, Water Corporation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA, Master Builders Association, Bankwest, the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute at Curtin University, and the Department of Treasury, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

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Company Activity

New housing starts to hit five-year high
NEWS: Tagged in New housing starts to hit five-year high01 Jul 2021
Housing starts on the right track
NEWS: Tagged in Housing starts on the right track 07 Dec 2020
Cath Hart
NEW ROLE: Cath Hart, Non-Executive Chair18 Sep 2020
NEWS: Tagged in Appointments September 18, 202018 Sep 2020
Industry calls for housing stimulus extension
NEWS: Tagged in Industry calls for housing stimulus extension09 Sep 2020
HIFG lifts housing forecast
NEWS: Tagged in HIFG lifts housing forecast 07 Sep 2020
NEWS: Tagged in Dwelling starts tipped to fall07 Sep 2020
NEWS: Tagged in Housing group sticks to WA forecasts 07 Sep 2020
NEWS: Tagged in Strong recovery for residential building07 Sep 2020
NEWS: Tagged in Questions raised over housing demand as Gen Y chooses to stay home07 Sep 2020

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