Government GST review just the first step OPINION: A Productivity Commision analysis of the tax carve-up is just the start in what could be a divisive process. 05 May 2017
Opinion State funding battle lacks the facts Those who forget history often prefer to fill the void with myths. 07 Apr 2015
Opinion Yes, he’s the state’s big spender Colin Barnett hopes his capital works program will one day be seen in the same light as those of WA political giants, Charles Court and John Forrest. 28 Nov 2014
Opinion Barnett fires up on tax take A second ratings agency downgrade has prompted Colin Barnett to ratchet up the tough talk on the GST. 03 Sep 2014
Opinion Eventually, the piper has to be paid ‘A man before his time’ isn’t a description many would associate with the prime minister, but the federal budget may put him in that category. 27 May 2014