NATIONAL retail giant Coles Myer has revealed it may have paid three times more than “fair value” in its takeover of WA-linked Australian Liquor Group – amounting to a potential loss of up to $36.4 million.
WHILE the directors of Australian Liquor Group remain tied down with legal action from the Coles-Myer takeover, one of the group’s earliest proponents is setting a new course with a WA export business.
TWENTY WA liquor stores trading under the Porters banner will have to wait at least two weeks before the future of their brand is known following Coles-Myer’s bid for its owner.
PORTERS and Barmans liquor store owners are smiling following a deal done with the Australian Liquor Group.Outfront Liquor Service, which owns the Porters and Barmans brands, was acquired by listed player ALG for $1.5 million
NATIONAL retailer Australian Liquor Group has revamped its management team after a difficult first quarter following its float and the amalgamation of around 40 stores earlier this year.