I READ Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive by Harvey Mackay in 1992. It was a life-changing, and career-changing, book for me, and millions of other readers (hopefully you).
RECENT data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Australia’s new babies show that, during 2010, at 297,900, more babies were born than in any year previously.
Australians like to think that their country is in better shape than deeply indebted Europe, but if you analyse the Qantas dispute you discover an identical set of circumstances with time the only
I never met him, but I knew him. I never talked to him, but he spoke to me often. I never saw him present his creations live, but my vision of him is burned into my brain.
The outcome of last week’s jobs forum in Canberra was sensible, incremental reform, but don’t expect the policy change to have a big impact on local industry.