As the federal government’s external reference group prepares to hand over its findings on a review of the 457 visa scheme, Western Australia’s Technology and Industry Advisory Council (TIAC) is preparing its own all-encompassing review of migration issue
Overcoming negative perceptions has proved a major hurdle for Mullaloo-based Utopian Resources, distributor of the EcoSuper X range of environmentally friendly cleaner/degreasers.
West Perth-based developer Cedar Woods Properties Ltd has won a state government tender to develop the Harrisdale Village estate in Forrestdale, through a joint venture with the Department of Housing and Works.
Advertising and marketing expenditure by Western Australia’s public universities jumped 45 per cent in the past year, as the institutions competed with the business sector for the hearts and minds of the state’s youth.
Construction magnate Len Buckeridge has vowed to fight the state government over control of a vital piece of land needed for an access road as part of Bunbury Port’s major restructure plans.
Tensions between the City of Subiaco and the Subiaco Redevelopment Authority (SRA) over the China Green site development have reached new heights, with the former threatening legal action if its request to settle differences with the SRA through mediation
The possibility of Western Australia becoming a major international centre for radio astronomy has prompted the state’s two major universities to recruit some of the world’s top minds in this specialist field
Visiting WA Dave Snowden, founder and chief scientific officer, Cognitive Edge, UK, to speak at ‘Global Convergence: Answers to Management and Compliance’ on May 1.
Azzura Gelati is one of 10 growing Western Australian businesses set to showcase its products at the Food and Hotel Asia 2008 trade event, to be held in Singapore from April 22-25.
AS a spate of new construction projects get under way across the CBD and West Perth, the City of Perth has announced it will review its planning scheme for plot ratio and building heights.
Increasing construction and labour costs have failed to dampen the prospects of one of Western Australia’s major hotel developers, Seashells Hospitality Group, which recently opened its fourth resort and is preparing to expand one of its existing resorts.
Education, housing, business regulation and the skills shortage are just a handful of topics that will be touched on this weekend at the 2020 Summit in Canberra.
Union membership has declined to 1.7 million people, or about 19 per cent of the workforce, data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics has found.
A proposal to install a giant observation wheel on the Swan River foreshore has received enthusiastic support from two committees of the City of Perth.
Miner Aquarius Platinum is to spend $790 million buying back all the shares held in it by Impala Platinum (Implats) and all the shares that company holds in its subsidiary, Aquarius Platinum (South Africa).
Iluka Resources Ltd has completed the retail component of its 4 for 7 pro-rata accelerated renounceable entitlement offer to shareholders, with the retail offer raising approximately A$95 million.
IAG rebuffs $7.6bn QBE takeover bid; Senior executives face ANZ Opes Prime Probe; Atlas wants $100m for faster mining program; Rate rises working, says Reserve Bank; Share sell-off signals end to Kolsen hope for Iluka
For the second year running Western Australia has been the nation's highest taxing state, data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has shown.
The Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia has recommended ministerial approval for Moly Mines's Spinifex Ridge project in the Pilbara.
Cedar Woods Properties has won a competitive tender conducted by the Department of Housing and Works for the joint venture development of the Harrisdale Village project.
Premier Alan Carpenter today opened the Broome Power Station, marking the completion of the $700 million West Kimberley power project, one of the biggest infrastructure investments ever made in the state's far north.
Western Australia is leading the national slump in housing finance with new figures showing an 11.6 per cent fall in the month of February, according to the Bureau of Statistics.
The prospect of Australia's coal seam gas industry developing large-scale export projects has received a major boost with BG Group (formerly British Gas) agreeing to invest $664 million in Queensland Gas Company.
Woodside Energy and BHP Billiton Petroleum are the winners in the annual safety awards presented by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) for 2008.
The trend towards more liberal retail trading hours in WA is gaining momentum with the state government approving extended trading throughout December and the City of Bunbury backing deregulation of trading through the year.
The state government has launched a $7.7 million North West Shelf environmental study today, to help planners better manage Australia's marine ecosystems.