Perth commentator Tim Treadgold is one of the state's highest-profile business journalists. He brings decades of experience to Business News, offering readers sharp and insightful analysis of current events and breaking news.
Hang on to your hat and watch your savings because if last night's sharp rise in the price of gold is an accurate guide, a long-predicted wall of inflation is about to break over the world.
Tragic as the Queensland floods have been, the real lesson we are about to learn with the proposed flood tax is that government, and its inability to curb spending, not the weather, is the greatest threat to the future.
The price of antimony has doubled, an event which might cause some people to yawn, if not for the fact that it is a perfect pointer to a new way to make money.
Tired of fertiliser jokes? Then relief is in sight because soon we will see through the ammonia cloud hanging around Burrup Fertilisers and get to the critical issue - where's the money.
If anyone didn't already know that the internet is a powerful tool for retailing they do now thanks to Australia's best ever example of how to shoot yourself in the foot.
What did Ken Henry see? That's a question Australia's top civil servant should answer before slipping into comfortable retirement, leaving a nasty tax mess behind.
Writing history, and re-writing history, that's the game plan of Gina Rinehart as she muscles her way onto the national media and political stage using her iron ore fortune.
When is a 9 per cent iron ore price rise bad news? When it is the Christmas surprise miners will receive later today, revitalising the case for a resource super-profits tax.
Hang on to your hat and lock up your cash. A record-breaking flood of 52 new floats is in the queue at the stock exchange and the chance of making money in that crush is close to zero.
If your stockbroker is telling you to not buy bank shares because the Australian Government is attacking them over fees and charges - sack him immediately.
Bye-bye Don. Hello John. We've heard the first bit, the planned departure of Woodside boss, Don Voelte. Soon we'll be greeting the new behind-the-scenes man, a human buy-signal called John Argenti.
Bank bashing is one of Australia's oldest blood sports and always worth watching because both sides lose -- banks for their greed, politicians for their fear.
In calmer times Australia would not be asked to choose between friendship with China or the U.S. These are not normal times, and we might soon be asked that awful question.