Released during July in Australia and other selected countries, Pokemon Go is a free-to-play augmented reality smartphone game developed in collaboration by Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company.
The federal government seems to be preparing the public for reform with its semi-regular announcements from ministers that ‘everything is on the table’, particularly since Malcolm Turnbull took the prime ministership from Tony Abbott.
The extraordinary stock market events in China of recent weeks have stunned domestic investors, as the Beijing government opted for extreme measures to prevent a complete meltdown after the Shangha
It may not be popular in political or financial circles, but the treasurer’s call for a debate on the use of superannuation for housing resonates where it counts.
More needs to be done to encourage savings self-sufficiency if policymakers want Australians to carry the financial burden of extended retirement years themselves.
Self-funded retirees, who don’t subscribe to the theory of staying fully invested in the market, may find comfort in the views of Felix Stephens, head of strategy and research at Advance Asset Mana