A $900 million fund has been welcomed by economists hopeful it will modernise the construction industry where productivity has been flat for three decades.
A development assessment panel has knocked back a $500 million plan to build a workers’ camp in South Hedland over issues on the design and the mystery surrounding the tenant.
Nutrien Ag has proposed a $70 million facility in Rockingham, being the first major tenant signed up to build on industrial land owned by Philip Cardaci’s CFC Group.
The state government has poured $14 million into the environmental approvals system as part of its reforms to accelerate the process for major projects.
The Economic Regulation Authority has decided to increase gas network tariffs by 7.8 per cent over the next five years, impacting more than 800,000 homes and businesses.
The WA government has approved a new scheme for Mandogalup in hopes to solve uncertainties over the controversial area developers have eyed for housing for more than a decade.
The US consul general has reassured a Western Australian crowd that the presidential election would unlikely change the two countries’ discussion on clean energy and electric vehicles.
The United Kingdom government has commissioned a review into Australia’s hydrogen market, highlighting the state’s critical role in potential partnerships between the country and UK businesses.
More mining activities in the state’s south west could help the industry hit its net zero target, Association of Mining & Exploration Companies head Warren Pearce says.
International education group Navitas has reported an increase in revenue but blamed restrictive policies in Canada and Australia for stifling the growth.
Former Prime Minister John Howard called Anthony Albanese "out of his depth" during his visit to Bullwinkel in hopes the Liberal party secure the critical seat.
A long-running saga between developer Sanur and City of Subiaco continues, with engineering experts probed on the urgency of fixing the ageing Hay Street shops during a tribunal hearing.
The Shire of Mundaring has called on the federal government to overturn its environmental approval of Satterley Property Group’s North Stoneville proposal.
The state government and Blackoak Capital have officially marked the start of the Edward Millen precinct redevelopment, which has been estimated to cost more than $20 million.
Liontown boss Tony Ottaviano has battered away speculation that the company was the next cab off the rank in scaling back its battery metals operations amid weak prices.