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Justin Flavel

Justin Flavel

Real Estate Industry Accounting Specialist


Being a gun sales rep is not the only prerequisite for running a successful real estate agency.

Justin supports real estate agents with an understanding of the industry to provide business insight and education to individual members.


Justin provides exposure to a variety of topics important to running a real estate agency to which most agents typically would not be exposed. 

The Australian real estate sector is set for disruption right now. Why? New players, technology companies and dwindling profit margins of traditional agencies due to a combination of fixed overheads and challenges facing the traditional revenue model.

Is the performance of your real estate business suffering due to a lack of financial insight? Could your real estate agency be more successful with better understanding of your potential financial improvement?

The real estate sector is unique

Justin helps make real estate operators accountable for their financial success. Guided expertly by the Omnis Group team, Justin has a number of technology tools to automate much of the financial legwork, which allows him to critically review your business performance and advise accordingly.

If you are an Owner, Principal, Shareholder or Director of an Australian real estate business who is discontent with your current financial performance, you are in prime position to work with Justin at Omnis Real Estate.

Professional skills

  • Business accounting and taxation
  • Cloud accounting
  • Business advice and strategy
  • Business support services

 Areas of interest

Advising on various business matters including income tax, GST, financial accounting and all matters involved in business. These could be structuring an acquisition or finance, performing due diligence on targets or establishing joint ventures to acquire assets.

We are also fully cloud based, believing that our commitment to adopting technology improves the quality of your business outcomes.